Applied Science High School

liceo scienze applicate santachiaraIl Liceo delle

Liceo delle Scienze Applicate, Applied Science High School, is focused on scientific and technological subjects. More specifically, we focus on Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science and their applications. Through our ECDL accreditation, our students can acquire essential computer skills.

In addition to the subjects and objectives that are common to all science high schools (defined in PTOF – Piano Triennale dell’Offerta Formativa, Three-Year Education Policy Plan), upon completing high school our students will be capable of:

  • understanding scientific theories, concepts and principles through a mix of theoretical study and lab experiments
  • critically analysing phenomenons, reflecting on scientific methodology, finding the best strategy for scientific inquiry
  • identifying the characteristics of various (natural-historic, symbolic, mathematic, logic, formal, artificial) languages and their contribution to science
  • understanding the role of technology as a point of contact between science and everyday life
  • using IT tools for analysing data and modelling scientific problems, identifying the role of computer science in scientific development
  • applying scientific methods to various situations.

Istituto Santachiara is:

  • a school focused on the individual experience
  • a school based on dialogue that promotes solidarity and integration
  • a school that supports the students’ self-confidence and their capability of avoiding external conditioning
  • a school that prepares the students for work and/or university
  • a school that guarantees professionality, competence, methodology and teamwork, responding to the needs of its users.

Education activity

The high school’s educational and cultural program is focused on offering a complete learning experience and it is enriched by:

  • great attention during the settling-in period
  • work experience (for example, local companies, Local Health Authority laboratories, chemical-physical analysis labs…)
  • study visits and other cultural initiatives (for example, university professors’ lectures)
  • optional contacts with developmental experts (psychologists, dieticians, spiritual consultants)
  • scholarships offered by Buono Scuola Regione Lombardia, School Voucher given by Lombardy Region
  • experimental activities and participation in public initiatives
  • contacts with volunteering associations
  • support and constant contact with families
  • refresher courses during the school year
  • orientation through contacts with the professional world and with universities.



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