Since the academic year 2014/2015, Istituto Santachiara Voghera has activated the Liceo Scientifico Sportivo, Sports High School. The high school programme includes participation to the so-called ‘Giochi della Gioventù’, Youth Games, sport competition for the young, that are included in the school timetable. Our school is also proud to have developed the Polo Sportivo Scolastico, Local Education Area for School Sport.
In addition to the subjects that are common to all science high schools (defined in PTOF – Piano Triennale dell’Offerta Formativa, Three-Year Education Policy Plan), we offer specific sport-related subjects:
Le discipline d’indirizzo (Diritto ed economia dello sport, Discipline sportive, Scienze motorie e sportive) sono:
Sports Law
Upon completing high school the student:
- understands and uses the juridic language in different contexts, identifies the essential social function of law and the importance of the limitations to personal freedom imposed by it
- understands the temporal and spatial relativity of law and its dependence on the social-cultural context
- interprets sport from a juridical perspective, identifying the subject’s profiles and their responsibilities as well as the organs in place to judge them; understands the most important laws inherent to sports and is able to apply them to real-life cases
- has a deep knowledge of the Italian Constitution, its values, the interests it protects and the organizational principles of the State institutions; he/she is able to compare state law and sports law
- understands the structure of the European Union and its integration process.
Upon completing high school the student:
- knows and understands the main economic concepts and the economic language as well as the importance of economic sciences and their influence on development and quality of life
- can compare economic models with real-life situations
- identifies the role of public and private economic actors and their reciprocal relations
- can interpret the economic dynamics of the sports world, recognizing the economic and management implications of sports and analysing the marketing and communication strategies applied to sports.
Physical education and sports science
Upon completing high school the student:
- knows, masters and respects his/her body; understands the social value of sport; has a positive attitude towards a healthy and active lifestyle; appreciates the benefits of physical activity
- can effectively control his/her body during various sport activities, has improved his/her strength, endurance, speed and flexibility.
Sport disciplines
Upon completing high school the student:
- acquired the tools to autonomously orientate his/her physical activity in order to maintain his/her physical and mental health
- understands the scientific and technical aspects of sports
- can propose tools and techniques to support the activity of spontaneous sports teams and groups
- understands the basic principles of sports hygiene, physiology and injury prevention
- understands the technical and organizational rules that regulate the main sport disciplines (including disabled sport disciplines)
- knows the main training and strategy theories in the practised sports
- has the physical abilities to practice several sports and can correct his/her own errors
- understands and applies sports theories and methods
- is able to judge, referee and organize tournaments and competitions